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2019 Council Meeting Minutes
2019 Council Meeting Minutes
Building & Construction
Permit Application & Fees
Choose the application below that describes your project: New Building or Remodel (remodel includes additions or demolition) or Right of Way Work Agreement (for road cuts and other modifications in the ROW) or Site Disturbance Permit (for excavation and landscaping).
If you haven't already, review the Interlaken Permit Process to determine if your project requires a permit and what is required with your application.
Submit your completed application and a check made out to Interlaken Town for the Interlaken fees and deposits.
Upload a digital plan set to the Interlaken Town Dropbox. Contact the town clerk at to set up an account.
Upon preliminary review, Ardurra Engineers will establish their fees for plan review and inspections. The town will collect those fees and issue a building permit.
Note that Interlaken Town and Ardurra Engineers charge separate application, plan review, and inspection fees. In addition, TO charges hourly fees for work outside their normal review and inspection process.
Midway Sanitation District: MSD owns and maintains the sewer lines that run through Interlaken. If you require a map of the lines, please contact MSD. Their contact information is located on the Services & Utilities page.
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